My Projects

Software Tools
Purpose Choice Reasons
Text Editor Atom A great software for new coders + it is free
Graphics Editor GIMP A platform used by many + it is free
Vector Editor Inkscape Heard about it before thus wanted to try it out
Screen Capture PicPick Just for backup as my laptop already had one built in
Image Resizer - Have not found one of preference
CAD System Fusion 360 Pro CAD, Educational License available
IDE Arduino Standardised
Browser Chrome Most frequently used and most comfortable with

Timeline of Lessons Learnt

(you can click on the title links to see more)

Week 1

FabLab Safety

We learnt about Fab Lab safety specifically for those Fab Labs found in SP.

Tools and Documentation

We learnt about the essential software tools for a digital fabricator and how to document our work.

Week 2


We learnt some simple html and also the basics of a webpage.

Week 3


We learnt some simple css such as how to change the layout of the website to what you want.


We learnt what Github is used for and also the basics of creating a repository.

Week 4

Computer Aided Design

We were introduced to computer graphics (eg. raster and vector) and did basic modeling using extrude in Autodesk Fusion 360.

Week 5

3D Modeling

We used more modeling functions in Fusion 360 such as revolve and sculpting. We also modelled a knight chess piece.

Computer Controlled Cutting

We learnt about preparing our designs for cutting operations by using Fusion 360 to get the vector profiles then check out DXF files in LibreCAD. We used a laptop stand to practice.

Week 6

Laser Cut Parametric Box

We are to design a music box made using lazer cutting, and one that is easily modified using the use of parameters.

Week 7

Introduction to Electronics

We leant about electricity and common electrical components like switches, resistors, LEDs etc. We started working on simple circuits involving the breadboard and Arduino Uno on TinkerCAD.


We started working with the Arduino software and TinkerCAD to do start working on coded programs and circuits.

Week 8

Laser Cutting

We learnt how to use the Laser cutters in the FabLabs and laser cut the music box we were told to design in week 6.

Week 9

3D Printing

We learnt about the 3D printers in the FabLabs. The 3D printers we used were Ultimaker 2+. We printed our first piece with the model we made in week 5 - knight chess piece.

Week 10

Arduino Uno

We learnt about the Digital I/O and Analog I/O and how to implement them in circuits that included push buttons and LEDs.

We learn about the different sensors and actuators that are available and how to program some of them to work.

Week 11

Module Project

We started working on our module project and brain storming some ideas. I then decided on what project to do and submitted an overview of what our projects would cover and what components we would need.

Week 12

Designing and Drafting

I started designing and creating all the components needed for my project in Fusion360. They were the housing and other smaller components needed.

Week 13

Printing & Laser Cutting

I started to print and laser cut my parts that i designed. I filed down acrylic parts that didnt fit and reprinted 3D parts that didnt fit.

Week 14
& 15


I started to work on the internal component - the circuit. I started to solder everything together and work on the programming of the Arduino Nano.

Week 16


Putting everything together using glue and making sure that everything worked fine. Doing the documentation needed and also preparing the submission documents.

Week 17


We are requireed to present our semesters work with a 1 min video and a presentation slide. And we are DONE!