
What is this website about?

This website contains the documentation of assignments and projects that I would go through in my elective module, Digital Fabrication and Prototyping.
It also contains some information about me (see below) and my thought processes throughout this module.

My Image

About Me

Hello, I'm Amanda Lai and currently a year 2 student in Singapore Polytechnic studying under the Diploma of Mechanical Engineering. My current class is DME/FT/2A/04, and I stay in the east of Singapore, in the Bedok estate.

My Contact Details

You can contact me via my telegram: @Roastedpotatoes
or my email: amandaljx.20@ichat.sp.edu.sg

Why did I decide to take this elective module?

I was always interested in 3D printing and making my own prototypes so I wanted to learn more so that I can apply it better in the future :)
I would want to learn the basics of Lazer cutting as it is still something new to me and I would like to apply it.

Topics covered in this website: